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Image size requirements

The minimum image specs required for your high-resolution images

Press Loft Team avatar
Written by Press Loft Team
Updated over a week ago

To make it into the press, you need to have high-resolution image files available so that print journalists can use them for their articles right away. Press Loft will only accept high-res images.

Our minimum specs for uploading your images to our website are:

  • Minimum 100kb (although we recommend aiming for at least 1MB if you can)

  • Maximum 8MB

  • JPEG 

  • 300dpi

  • Minimum 1 million pixels (eg 1000x1000 pixels)

What to do if your images are too big:

If you upload an image that is too big, you can use a tool like or (both free) to alter the image size. Just enter the desired size or use the built-in sliders to reduce the image size.

What to do if your images are too small:

If you upload an image that is too small, you will see a yellow notification on the image in your image library. You can replace this file any time by clicking on the thumbnail of the image.
It is not recommended to resize images that are too small to fit our requirements as the quality of the image won't be good enough to print. The image will be blurry and journalists will probably get back in touch with you for higher-res images.
If some of your images are too small, the only option is to replace them with higher-res images. 

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