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What is Influencer Marketing?

A quick intro to the world of influencer marketing

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Written by Press Loft Team
Updated over a week ago

Influencer marketing is all about utilising key content creators to help your brand's message reach a new audience. Basically it’s the modern day word of mouth. 

Bloggers, vloggers and social media influencers have huge volumes of loyal and engaged followers, and an endorsement from them will promote your brand message to your target audience in a much more organic and natural way than traditional methods ever could. 

Our Influencer Outreach tool works to streamline the collaboration process between brands and influencers, helping to find the right connections for the right campaign with simple collaboration alerts which are sent to influencers who match the criteria. 

What is an influencer?

Putting it simply, someone with influence…. yes really (!) and the reason they have influence is because they have a big audience.  Influencers, in the digital marketing world, mainly means bloggers, vloggers and social influencers – so someone with a following on social media – Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, TikTok, Facebook, YouTube, etc.

How utilise Influencer Marketing:

To get a big influencer to promote your products, there are a number of things you can look to do:

1. Paid / sponsored posts – where you pay someone money to feature your product.

2. Product reviews / gifts – you give someone a product to keep so they can create content around it (e.g. photos, stories, reviews, etc.)

3. Giveaway – you give someone a product(s) to give away as a competition prize to their audience.

4. Reciprocal promotion – you write / post about an influencer and he/she writes a post on you in return. This only tends to work when you have more followers than the influencer you are talking with and so is not particularly common.

5. Unpaid posts – you ask someone (nicely) to write about your product.  This used to be very easy but now, as the influencer economy is becoming more sophisticated, it is increasingly hard to get unpaid coverage on social channels as increasing amounts of brands are prepared to pay for posts – so you need to compete with them.

Sometimes the best influencer collaborations are when you give the influencer creative freedom to come up with their own ideas for promoting your product in a way they think will engage with their specific audience the best, so don’t be afraid to ask them for their thoughts and maybe even combine a few of the above methods into one campaign.

If you would like help with your Collaboration Alert, you can get in touch with the Press Loft team:
If you like to purchase a one off collaboration alert, you can do that here

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