Domain Authority:
A ranking between 1 and 100 created by Moz (relevant for bloggers and online magazines only).
Developed by Moz, this is a score attributed to websites as an indicator as to how well it will rank in search engines. It’s useful as both a measure of your own site’s SEO performance as well as assessing how to choose which blogs and websites to work with.
Scoring starts from 0 up to 100, with 100 being the highest. That helps you grasp, on face value, the effectiveness a site will likely have on Google. It’s also logarithmic which means it is easier to get from a score of 10 to 20, than from 70 to 80.
How do they rank sites?
It’s quite a complicated algorithm that takes its cues from Google and Moz’s own metrics – they review over 40 signals! But, one of the key ways Moz derives a score is by reviewing backlinks (websites linking to another). They look at a number of factors about those links – both quantity but, importantly, quality. So a link on The Times is going to impact DA more than a few links on lower quality blogs
You can find all the information about their ranking here:
What makes a good DA?
Below is a rough guide on how to rate the DA of different bloggers:
Smaller/emerging = DA of less than 15
Established = DA of between 15-30
Well established = DA of 30+
Elite (eg like and = DA of 40+